Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Vitalismos... argh!

"It is now generally considered that biology had to rid itself of vitalism to enable significant progress to occur. It is suggested that psychology will develop as a science only after it rids itself of anti-reductionistic, 'emergentism'"
(Roger K. Thomas, 2001)

"Vitalism is that rejected tradition in biology which proposes that life is sustained and explained by an unmeasurable, intelligent force or energy. The supposed effects of vitalism are the manifestations of life itself, which in turn are the basis for inferring the concept in the first place. This circular reasoning offers pseudo-explanation, and may deceive us into believing we have explained some aspect of biology when in fact we have only labeled our ignorance. 'Explaining an unknown (life) with an unknowable (Innate),' suggests philosopher Joseph Donahue, D.C., 'is absurd'." (2002)

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Viva o Sgt. Pimenta!

Tributo aos 40 anos do lançamento do Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band ontem
no Opinião... Muito legal, pena que não encontrei nenhum dos meus amigos
músicos... Será que foi coincidência ou faz sentido? :)
